Via Lovera 6

Questo è l’identità visiva che ho sviluppato per il laboratorio di disegno e pittura in Via Lovera 6 a Borgo San Dalmazzo. L’idea nasce dallo spazio le cui grandi vetrine richiamano quelle di un acquario, ...

Lunario rivista

Illustrazione realizzata per la prima e la quarta di copertina del numero speciale cartaceo di Lunario, stampato in occasione della collaborazione con per le scatole letterarie.

Barolo mural

A big wall painting in Barolo, Langhe which I produced for an architecture studio. The Langhe are one of the renown wine-making areas in Piedmont.

The Salt Route

Sketches of the changing landscapes made during our long-distance bycicle trip from our home in the plains of North-Western Italy (Piedmont) to the seaside in Liguria (North-Western Italian Coast). We biked along paths near rivers ...

Homage to George Floyd

In memory of George Floyd and some thoughts on segregation. May, 2020. Radio news say that from Minneapolis, protests against police brutality are spreading outside the city to the entire US and other countries, as ...

in the woods – mural

In December 2020 I had the opportunity to produce this original design for an 3x3sqm interior mural. I completed the mural at the end of February 2021. I based the design on the commissioners’ requests ...

Hello world!

This is the first post of my blog, here I’ll publish entries in both Italian and English, my native and language of kinship respectively, on topics related to illustration, printmaking, workshops and the philosophy of ...

eight ounces – otto libbre

Conversation between Solomon and Saturn This is a graphic adaptation of an extract taken from A conversation between Solomon and Saturn which is featured in the book by J.L.Borges Medieval Germanic Literatures (Italian version, Adelphi, ...


These are portraits of local musicians -Cuneo, Italy for which I have had the pleasure to create the album cover “Immersioni di gruppo” – Group Diving, but not only, two portraits are from photos of ...